My my my .. celine dion
is really great I wasn't in love
with her music that much .. but
there is something painful in her French
songs there are like fairuz's songs
and and and there's that song that
took my brath away !
je cherche l'omber
Guys ! you must have it
Wallah it's so awesome
And helped me a lot
to improve my French
and because I love it
so much I've translated it
and oh !
it was so difficult walla!
Because I don’t have
An electronice dictionary
I was forced to use a BOOK XP
It took me the whole day >_<
And fainally I made it
And honestly I am so damn
Proud of myself .. it's the first
Time to do that
I was about to ask belle ashlee
For help but I think I've bothered
Her more than enough .. didn't i?
But first you gotta see
This designe for the song
Ofcourse made by me .. X)
Enjoy it
is really great I wasn't in love
with her music that much .. but
there is something painful in her French
songs there are like fairuz's songs
and and and there's that song that
took my brath away !
je cherche l'omber
Guys ! you must have it
Wallah it's so awesome
And helped me a lot
to improve my French
and because I love it
so much I've translated it
and oh !
it was so difficult walla!
Because I don’t have
An electronice dictionary
I was forced to use a BOOK XP
It took me the whole day >_<
And fainally I made it
And honestly I am so damn
Proud of myself .. it's the first
Time to do that
I was about to ask belle ashlee
For help but I think I've bothered
Her more than enough .. didn't i?
But first you gotta see
This designe for the song
Ofcourse made by me .. X)
Enjoy it
the song
The French lyrics
Ma translation
ابحث عن ظل
ابحث عن ظل , لكي أرقص معك يا حبيبي
على هذه الموسيقى العتيقة , التي تتقلب في الذاكرة
حين تنطفيء الشمس و يأتي المساء
أبحث عن ظل , لأتخذ لنا ملجأ يا حبيبي
لأكتشف جسدك بعيدا عن كل الانوار
و لأنني أحبك , انا ايضا مثل الغريبة
ابحث عن ظل , لاطفيء النار يا حبيبي
التي فُرضت ع روحي , و اشتعلت في أوردتي
فماتت رغبتي الدنيئة لاطلاق سراحي
ابحث عن ظل , لكي أبكي معك يا حبيبي
في هذه الحياة الطويلة القصيرة , التي رسمناها بأصابعنا
مما اكل الايام في بعدك عني
ابحث عن ظل , كما لو أنني ابحث عن صديق يا حبيبي
الذي يفاجأني بالمساعدة , يحس بالدموع , يحس بالحزن
ليقودنا الى مكان أخر , نبحث عن سعادة , نبحث عن سعادة
ابحث عن ظل
Ce tout
Au revoir mes amis