Thursday, January 28, 2010

Amy is back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


guys i am so in the top of

the world ,, fainally so good news

my fav singer .. my inspiration

Amy lee and her band EVANESCENCE

there are back baby!

togerther again is the name

of the new singel that they

puplished last week and it's

for the vectims TAHITIE

well .. that's so noble

and and and the song is totally

suites the topice

and yeah .. it means that

they're working there

new album out

u guys must hear the song !


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


اللهم اني لا اسئلك رد القضاء انما اسألك الرفق به
سؤالي الوحيد ليش؟
يعني بعد الحالة النغسية الفظيعة اللي كنت فيها
املي الوحيد اللي قلت يمكن يفرحني
و يخليني اتشبث و لو شوي بالحياة
بعد ما قلت للكون ان الحياة ما تستاهلني
و عطيت نفسي الحق اني اقول اني ما استاهل اعيش
و اخيرا طلعت الدرجات و الكل مترقب
هالفصل تخليت عن اشياء كثيرة و ضغطت
على نفسي و استحملت و كلي امل ارفع
درجاتي الاقي بالنهاية ان الدرجات
نزلت اكثر من قبل
لا اله الا الله
فيني دموع الدنيا انهار بعد ما بديت
اخذ كم قطرة امل حطمني هالشي
لا غير مصيبة ان الفصل الجاي لازم اتصرف
و الا بتأخر سنتين و فصل
لا اله الا الله
و اه يالقهر لما اشوف الناس اللي تتملق
الدكاترة و ينافقونهم عندهم اعلى
الدرجات يا دنيا انا عندي كرامة
و مستحيل انزل نفسي لمستوى المنافقين
و الدكاترة اللي يا عيني عليهم
يمدحون اعمالي و ما اخليهم غير لما
يتأكدون انها خالية من العيوب
و بالنهاية سي
يا عيني عليك يا حسام الدين (قسام الدين)
محلا ابتسامتك الخادعة و جملك اللي دوم تنتهي بقوافي
و الضحك و الطيبة اللي تفيض من عيونك
اخرتها هذا اللي استاهله لاني كنت دايما
اخلص اعمالي اول بأول
حتى قبل لا تتركها
و الاشعار و الجمل المنمقة اللي تمدح فيها اعمالي
اللهم اني لا اسألك رد القضاء
و انت يا مجمد علي و الله انك فن ع اصوله
ع قعدتي بأيام الخميس و الجمعة و تعبي و شقاي
مع الالوان و الكراتين و الكترات
و سهر الليالي و التعب
و اخرتها .. اللهم اني لا أسألك رد القضاء
و انت عاد يا الحلاق مالي كلام عندك
اللهم اني لا أسألك رد القضاء
حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل
من زمان ما حسيت اني مظلوم بحياتي جذي
اذا هذا نصيبي من الفصول الجاية
و ربي ليه التعب و انا ليه
ضاغط عن نفسي و مهتم
اذا كنت كل فصل اقول انا السبب و اكمل بابتسامة خادعة
و اكذب ع نفسي و اقول
مو من الدنيا .. الغلط مني انا
لكن ليش ما اكون انا صح و لو مرة
و ربي تعبت من كرهي لنفسي
كل مرة ارجع الخط لي انا لكن
هالمرة بقول و مالي غير ربي
حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل
فيني قهر و دموع و سد الذكريات انهار
ع ايام التعب و الشقى
و الاهتمام يا ربي متى بتخرج
تراني صابر و مالي غير ربي
اشكي له لكن ما رح اتغير
انا مثل ما انا
و ادري انكم تفضلون تعطوني درجات لاني (غلبان) و ع قد حالي
لكن ربي يحاسبكم
و رب الكون استاهل درجات اكثر
لكن امري لله
و اقول الحمد لله على كل شي
لكن النار اللي مشتعله فيني ما يطفيها
بحر و لا نهر
الحمد لله رب العالمين
انا راضي بنصيبي
لكن دعوة المظلوم ما ترد و انا متأكد
ان حقي ما ضايع

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

i remember that i sent a post in this blog about my aimes in 2009
here u go the draft ...

Recently I saw an episode of one of ma favorite cartoon shows ever... little maroco
She was making a list of things that she's willing to do in the New Year and I said to myself "why the hell?!"
After that I initiated to write a letter for miss 2009 and brought you a draft.

Dear miss new year I was so glad when I knew that you are coming and I wrote a couple things that I want to do during you :

1- I am willing to get closer to god.
2- I want to get my driving license and a car, too.
3- I want to improve my weak fallen apart English.
4- I want to believe that '' talking without thinking is shouting without aiming''.
5- I want to stop cursing people and to reduce saying '' bit** " to who ever upsets me and " sh** "when I get mad.
6- I should take more care abut myself, clothes etc... And try as I can not to get dirty by colors while I draw.
7- I must learn French.
8- I want a girlfriend, P.S: I am available ladies: P.
9- I want to increase my weight to built muscles unlike last time when all the weight went to my hips.
10- I want to concentrate more in my study... no more playing >_<.

11- No more hiding I am going to be active and I want to be more connected with my society... Make more friends… am I?
12- I hope to be able to see all the great series and movies and to use a great internet connection.
13- I want to save money otherwise I will be in a new level of the word '' poor ''. So please 2009 be good to me.

well .. from all the 13 goals i've atchived 7 i am so proud after all 7 is a good number !

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I give up

I threw my hands up

I give up

“Life became unbearable “ she said

And I totally agree !

If there’s more pain to come

I am not really sure if can handle it

I am sick of fighting back

This year .. no promises , dreams or good expectations

I’ll just live with the grain

And let what want to happened happens ..

Today I returned to Amy lee’s songs

I don’t know how and why ?

I missed her .. but did she miss me back ?

Where are you Amy .. we need new songs

We need you to scream for us

I don’t know why I don’t present good stuff in this

Blog .. it suppose to be a happy place

I just keep crying my letters out

and whining ..

maybe changing the colors would help?

University is sucks

This semester I have a huge problem

I am late and because of not taking a stupid

Course .. just one stupid course

Just like any other shit

I am unable to take three courses !

What the F !

I am so mad and angry

Watching my mate graduating .. working

And all the good things !

And I am standing here like damn !

I’ll never let this happen !

This year was so rough .. just like her pervious sisters

Nobody to blame ! .. Nobody

I am sick this love story I am living

Some how now I feel like no need

To txt u or kissing your ass

To feel me .. all those feelings inside tortures me

I had to let them go

We’re Brock


My father start to take money from me .. again

I don’t know where my old man is going in his plans

I hope he don’t get hurt .. he will never take another fail

Let him take all he want

Back to university .. everything’s fucked up

My marks are as low as possible

If I was saved from being under notice

Couple times .. why not now?

I don’t care

I just want to live my life with no fear

On my back disturbing me .. make my shade my tears out

And create fake lovers .. I don’t want this anymore

I want to runaway

Through my passport in fire

New name .. new ID

New place ,, new problems

I want to walk near the with my naked feet

And run and run to the edge of the seen

And scream all the pain , the fear and hope

Away .. getting rid from my skin ..

And be an ugly unnoticeable bird


Till another mood comes
