[ ... يقول نيل غيمان
هل أحببت يوما
شنيع هو الحب، أليس كذالك؟
يجعلك في منتهى الضعف .
يفتح صدرك وقلبك ليأتي شخص ما فيثير الفوضى بداخلك.
تبني الحصون وتشيد القلاع كي تحمي نفسك من الأذى، وفجأة!
يأتي شخص واحد ، شخص غبي ،
لايختلف عن أي غبي غيره !
ليتجول في دنياك الغبية،
كأن يطبع على شفتيك قبله أو يبتسم لك، تتسرب حياتك من
بين يديك فلا تغدو ملكك.
الحب يأخذك رهينة.
إنه يتغلغل فيك ويأكلك من الداخل للخارج ،
ثم يتركك تبكي في الظلام وهو يسلك طريقه إلى قلبك .
كم هو مؤلم ! ليس ألما خياليا ولا عقليا.
إنه ألم الروح وألم الجسد . إنه الألم الذي ينغرس
بداخلك ويقطعك إربا . أكره الحب ... ]
And I say
When you fall in love...
*(he/she) will become what you think about all night long
you will be dwelled by stupid thoughts don't make any sense and you'll wish that sleeping would take you away but after a long straggle your dreams will fail you and (he/she) will be what all your dreams about.
* When you see (him/her) you'll do the best to act like [Eh ... I don't care] but deep inside of you you're fallen apart.
* And the stupid fact about love is that you want the whole world to know that (he/she)'s the one in your life ... Uh I can't believe that I was about to tell everyone around me that I am in love with you last night !
* When love attack's you will link every stupid single thing to (him/her) so if you think that love songs helps... Then you're wrong.
* You will hold your breath so much... Every time you {see/think/dream ,, etc} of (him/her) so you will have to learn how to breath with the right way because every time you hold a breath it's just like being next to (him/her) .
* It will kills you that (he/she) living (his/her) own life so safe and sound and maybe (he/she) has someone else who to love and you're like facing your end everyday when you just think of (him/her) and he/she don't even know .
Believe me love is sucks I wish I can't get you outta ma mind but I can't
But It doesn't mean that I am going to give up...no not me not I.
هل أحببت يوما
شنيع هو الحب، أليس كذالك؟
يجعلك في منتهى الضعف .
يفتح صدرك وقلبك ليأتي شخص ما فيثير الفوضى بداخلك.
تبني الحصون وتشيد القلاع كي تحمي نفسك من الأذى، وفجأة!
يأتي شخص واحد ، شخص غبي ،
لايختلف عن أي غبي غيره !
ليتجول في دنياك الغبية،
كأن يطبع على شفتيك قبله أو يبتسم لك، تتسرب حياتك من
بين يديك فلا تغدو ملكك.
الحب يأخذك رهينة.
إنه يتغلغل فيك ويأكلك من الداخل للخارج ،
ثم يتركك تبكي في الظلام وهو يسلك طريقه إلى قلبك .
كم هو مؤلم ! ليس ألما خياليا ولا عقليا.
إنه ألم الروح وألم الجسد . إنه الألم الذي ينغرس
بداخلك ويقطعك إربا . أكره الحب ... ]
And I say
When you fall in love...
*(he/she) will become what you think about all night long
you will be dwelled by stupid thoughts don't make any sense and you'll wish that sleeping would take you away but after a long straggle your dreams will fail you and (he/she) will be what all your dreams about.
* When you see (him/her) you'll do the best to act like [Eh ... I don't care] but deep inside of you you're fallen apart.
* And the stupid fact about love is that you want the whole world to know that (he/she)'s the one in your life ... Uh I can't believe that I was about to tell everyone around me that I am in love with you last night !
* When love attack's you will link every stupid single thing to (him/her) so if you think that love songs helps... Then you're wrong.
* You will hold your breath so much... Every time you {see/think/dream ,, etc} of (him/her) so you will have to learn how to breath with the right way because every time you hold a breath it's just like being next to (him/her) .
* It will kills you that (he/she) living (his/her) own life so safe and sound and maybe (he/she) has someone else who to love and you're like facing your end everyday when you just think of (him/her) and he/she don't even know .
Believe me love is sucks I wish I can't get you outta ma mind but I can't
But It doesn't mean that I am going to give up...no not me not I.
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